BHHS is now hiring a Food Service Director and food service cooks. Visit https://www.britton.k12.sd.us/page/employment-opportunities
For more information.

21-22 School supply lists can be found on the website.
here are the direct links for Elementary and MS/HS

For those of you interested in the youth football camp July 26-28, please email Coach Skogstad a name and t-shirt size so we can get shirts ordered for camp. Cost is $40 for camp, and you can pay the day of!

Reminder Dance Families!! Pictures from dance recital are at BHHS! As you enter main doors they are right there for you to pick up! School hours for summer are Mon-Thurs. 8-4

New student registration for school year 21-22 can be found on our website. https://www.britton.k12.sd.us/page/student-registration

Attention: BHHS Athletes
School Year 21-22 Athletic Forms have been updated on the website.
Please use these when updating your physical forms for the new school year.

Westberry Dance Pictures from Tyra are in!! They are located in the main office entrance. Pictures are in alphabetical order. School Office hours Mon.-Thurs. 8am-4pm(no need to buzz in) Please pick up ASAP!

Way to go at State Golf Dane Feldhaus! Thanks for representing the BRAVES!

Reminder that we have supervised weight room access available for MS student athletes M, T, TH, and F @ 8:00 am during the summer break.

BHHS is hiring Paraprofessional positions for the 21-22 School Year. If you are interested in one of these para positions visit: https://www.britton.k12.sd.us/page/employment-opportunities
for more details and the application

We are hiring! BHHS is looking for maintenance/custodian applicants to join our team! Visit the website for job details and application!

Good luck at State BH tracksters and coaches!! We are so proud of you! Here is the link to follow along:

Good luck BH golfers at the Region meet in Watertown today!!

Congratulations to Taylor S and Joel J on being selected BH female and male athletes of the year! We are proud of all of our athletes and coaches on a great year!

Athletic Awards program tonight at 6:00 PM in the Arena! Livestream available via the school's NFHS system. Congratulations to all of our BH athletes and coaches on successful year!

Awesome readers!

Amazing readers! 200-299 points: Cullen, Isaac, Sage and Elsa. Next photo 200-299 as well: Kylan, Liam, Levi, Alexis and Breydan. Last photos are 100-199 points: Drew and Livia and the large group!

Amazing readers! Sophie (333 points), Avery (331 points), Tanasia (300 points)!

Amazing readers! Kaylee (571 points), Charles (393 points), Holden (373 points) and Ruthie (364 points)!

Congratulations to our 5th graders for completing their last year of Elementary School. Good luck in Middle School!