Congratulations to our graduating Class of 2021 . If you are unable to make commencement, please check out our Braves TV live stream at 2:30 pm today!
almost 4 years ago, Britton-Hecla
Class of 2021 Commencement
More last day photos...
almost 4 years ago, Britton-Hecla School
Last Day
Last Day
Last Day
Last Day
What a great last day of school! We set up stations on the playground and had a blast. Thank you to everyone who helped make this a successful year!
almost 4 years ago, Britton-Hecla School
Last Day
Last Day
A big thanks to Austin for the music!
Last Day
Thanks to all for helping us make the 20-21 school year a success! There were obstacles but together we made it through. Have a great summer!
almost 4 years ago, Steve Benson
Great job 4th graders! Your musical was a hit!
almost 4 years ago, Britton-Hecla School
Another reminder of our lost and found!
almost 4 years ago, Britton-Hecla School
We are looking for black stage skirting for graduation on Sunday. If you have some or know someone who does would you please contact Traci in the office 448-2234.
almost 4 years ago, Britton-Hecla School
With only a couple days left of school please remind your children to check lost and found for items they may have lost or forgot about!
almost 4 years ago, BHHS
lost and found
Students are you looking for a local summer job? Ryan is hiring summer help at the school! Email or stop by his office if you are interested! Take advantage of the opportunity to work with a great crew at a local location for good pay and flexible hours.
almost 4 years ago, BHHS
Students it is time to clean out your gym lockers! Everything needs to be taken home by Friday.
almost 4 years ago, BHHS
5th Grade Parents: Please join us this Friday, May 14th at 12:30 p.m. in the Amacher for a quick send off and recognition for our fifth graders. Doors will open at 12:15 p.m. If you are unable to attend, watch our social media platforms for photos!
almost 4 years ago, BHHS
The Britton-Hecla School District has the following coaching positions open: Head JH Volleyball and Asst. Varsity Volleyball, If interested please refer to this link or send an email with any questions to
almost 4 years ago, Steve Benson
The Britton American Legion Auxiliary Poppy Poster Winners! Class I winners: 1- Ella S, 2- Tanasia T and 3- Levi M Class II winners: 1-Lincoln K, 2-Noah S, 3- Elena M Class III winners: 1- Maddox N, 2 - Jordyn N, 3- Karlie Z Class IV winners: 1- Emma K, 2- Faith S, 3- Evelynn T Class V winners : 1- Kaylie T, 2- Ellie F, 3- Tucker M Class VI winners: 1 - Sarah H, 2- Noah O Best of luck to all of the first place winners that now move on to the district level!
almost 4 years ago, BHHS
There will be a wrestling meeting on Wednesday, May 12th at 4:00 in the wrestling room. All equipment should be turned in at this time. Students 6th-12th in the 21-22 school year that are interested in wrestling are invited to the meeting.
almost 4 years ago, BHHS
Fourth Grade Musical this Wednesday, May 12th at 2:30 p.m. in the Amacher Auditorium! Doors will open at 2:15 p.m.
almost 4 years ago, Britton-Hecla School
Thank you, thank you to all who supported our Teacher Appreciation Week!
almost 4 years ago, Britton-Hecla School
BH 20-21 Staff
BHHS wants to Thank Donny Monson for 15 years of service to our school. Congratulations on your retirement Donny!
almost 4 years ago, Danelle Elsen
Our new website is NOW LIVE! Please take a moment to check it out at
almost 4 years ago, Britton-Hecla
All library books are due back to the library by Monday, May 10th.
almost 4 years ago, BHHS
We are hiring! BHHS is looking for maintenance/custodian applicants to join our team! Visit the website for job details and application!
almost 4 years ago, Danelle Elsen
now hiring