
The Britton-Hecla School District is participating in the National School Nutrition Program. We are working to provide free meals to all students this school year using a waiver from the USDA. Students will still be required to pay for second meals and/or milks. 

"School meals are bursting with flavorful fruits, vegetables,
whole grains, lean proteins, and fat-free and 1% (low-fat) milk. School meals are
aligned with dietary specifications that ensure meals contain important vitamins
and minerals and are sufficient in calories, but limited in saturated fat, sodium, and
trans fat." ~ USDA, Food and Nutrition Service, (2018, July) Menu Planner for School Meals.

Free and reduced price lunches will be made available to those who qualify. Applications may be submitted online via the Campus Parent Portal,  printed from the following link https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws..., or picked up outside the Business Office. 

These applications are used for more than determining eligibility for free and reduced-priced meals. At the district level, free and reduced student numbers are used to help determine state and federal grant funding. These grants are in important part of the Britton-Hecla's School District budget. This year, these applications can also qualify parents for Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) benefits. We will also waive the computer insurance fee this year for all families who fill out and submit this application whether you qualify or not for free and reduced meals. 

Meal costs are as follows:

Breakfast: Adults/Guests $2.35

Lunch: Adult/Guest $4.05 

                  Seconds $1.00

                   Extra Milk $.30

Weekly menus will be published in the Britton Journal and daily menus will be posted on the school's website. At the top of the website, you will click Braves Bistro in the top right hand corner.  On your BHSD App for smart phones, find this by selecting "Menu" on the lower left hand corner, then the "Dining" tab with pizza icon.