
BH Elementary Newsletter
We had a successful day of Halloween parties and we are happy everyone came back safe and sound after last evening's festivities! Pictured above are some joyful kindergarten students playing the leaves.

Pictured below is Mrs. Paulson's class, the winners of a pizza party for bringing in the most coins for our coin drive. Congrats!

Important Dates:
Daylight Savings on Sunday- Remember to adjust your clocks and be on time for school this Monday!
Monday, November 11th-Veterans Day Program at 10:30 a.m. in the Amacher Auditorium (the public is welcome)
Thursday, November 14th-Parent-Teacher Conferences (more information to come). School will dismiss at 1:30 p.m.
*We will hold a Parent Title Informational meeting at 5:30 p.m. the evening of conferences. If you would like more information about our Title (intervention) program works, please attend! The meeting will be held in Mrs. Carly Peters' Title room.